

Nate Perseverance Quote

I moved to Las Vegas from the east coast to pursue a career in fitness and nutrition.sharing my knowledge and living my dream in helping others change their lives and achieve their goals in a more productive and healthy way. By helping build a strong and healthy mind and body.

There is nothing more satisfying than helping someone obtain their goals and or dreams. The one goal I want to achieve is at the end of all this for people to be able to say “Nathan because of your inspiration I was able to achieve all that I have worked so hard for”. That’s why I love what I do, I get to help others do this on a regular basis. How did this journey start for me? I was a very lazy child, I quit at everything I tried no matter what it was.

Until the one day my grandfather (Robert Harris) taught me the meaning of perseverance. He taught me if you want something bad enough never stop working and putting everything you have into what it is you want, never quit, never give up. That’s the kind of man my grandfather is and I want to live and lead my life by the same aspects. The reason we had the conversation was he had gotten me into a program called The Young Marine’s. I hated it so much I told him I wanted to quit but I told him I would stay in just for him. He said “Nathan don’t do it for me do it for yourself“.

Ever sense that day I’ve pretty much applied all that conversation into everything I do. Which makes health and fitness the most obvious choice, now I’m not going to lie this is one of the hardest things you Will ever do. It takes a lot of discipline, dedication, and of course perseverance. But if you can stay consistent with all those things you will become whoever you want to be and live that healthy long life that we all deserve. Maybe one day you to will be able to inspire others to do something great like Robert Harris did and what I am now doing. You too can “Be Your Own Hero”